Will fight to codify Roe v. Wade and protect access to contraception and women’s healthcare [1].
Supports guaranteeing the right to in vitro fertilization (IVF) [2]
Will defend the Affordable Care Act against new Republican repeal
threats and defend Medicare against proposed Republican cuts [3].
Will protect Medicare’s new powers to negotiate lower prescription
drug prices against Republican repeal threats [4].
Voted against codifying the right to abortion in New Jersey law and voted to defund family planning services[5].
Wouldn’t join moderate House Republicans and Democrats on a bill guaranteeing the right to in vitro fertilization (IVF)[6].
Voted against the New Jersey bill defending the Affordable Care Act[7]
Opposed empowering Medicare to negotiate with drug companies
to lower prices, as Democrats have now done[8]
1 https://newjerseyglobe.com/congress/altman-kim-hit-gop-foes-on-abortion-on-dobbs-anniversary/
2 https://www.nj.com/opinion/2024/08/tom-kean-jrs-phony-claims-on-ivf-editorial.html
3 https://x.com/suealtman/status/1827129426460496204
4 https://x.com/suealtman/status/1827129426460496204;
5 NJ Legislature votes
6 https://www.nj.com/opinion/2024/08/tom-kean-jrs-phony-claims-on-ivf-editorial.html
7 NJ legislature vote
8 Candidate video 5/12/20